The traditional org chart (currently sitting in SuccessFactors) fails to reflect or support the agile transition. The org chart lacks depth and fluidity in illustrating the agile delivery framework, including roles, skills, expertise, and capacity.
There is insufficient cultivation and embrace of an agile mindset. Agile transformation requires sustained effort and effective change management, yet the existing traditional org chart remains rigid to foster a shift for employees to be more agile.
Woolworths' org structure includes both traditional and agile delivery models. Roles often overlap, with individuals wearing multiple hats and frequent team realignments. This complexity demands a solution that provides clarity for employees regarding their roles, potential career paths, and points of contact.
Employees rely on org structures to understand their colleagues, build relationships, and streamline workflows. With most work occurring in agile teams and high movement between these teams, staff struggle to identify who's who in the zoo. These existing challenges lead to employees feeling disconnected.
Designed 3 distinct conceptual visualisation to determine project direction
Conducted 3 rounds of usability testing and synthesised insights to inform design iterations
Facilitated stakeholder workshops to gather input in design iterations, fostering collaboration and alignment
Examined interrelationships and interdependencies to ensure the tool aligns and caters for different cases
Creating visual representations of the tool across different fidelity levels
Conducted share backs to ensure alignment since the start, assisted with user stories development etc